Improve study strategies, organization, time management, reading comprehension, and writing skills


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Sometimes learners of all ages need a partner to help them navigate the challenges of academic life. While many students seem to move seamlessly from class to class and grade to grade, we've all known students who struggle to keep up. Maybe they work really hard, but never seem to see the payoff for all their time and energy. Maybe they have trouble even starting on their work, and seem to fall further and further behind. Maybe the added pressure of preparing for college is taking a toll. Maybe they used to get great grades, but as they have advanced in school their reading, writing, and study skills are no longer getting the positive results they are used to. Or maybe they have trouble managing their time, materials, and daily responsibilities.

For these students, school can become an ordeal they must endure every day and a heartbreak for concerned parents and teachers. Having a professional partner with over two decades of experience to help them cultivate the learning skills they need to face these challenges can make all the difference in the life of a student and a family.

Learning Partners provides help for middle school learners, students entering high school, college-bound students and adult learners.

Who We Help >

We can help with all levels of time management and study skills, reading and writing improvement, and college test prep and applications.

Skills We Develop >

We are dedicated to helping you solve study and education-related issues at all levels, and we'll work with you year-round to help you achieve your potential!

About Us >

Laura, you are our hero!
Thank you so much for all you have done for our son, and thus for our family.
You really helped me find out that I can do well in anything.